The introspective humdrum life of an eccentric hexagenarian.

Visit my other blogs: "Elderberry Bike Rides of Delaware
," organized bicycle rides for families, senior citizens, and anyone interested in getting back into biking; and "Cloister Voices," the collected thoughts of modern and ancient hermits, eccentrics, solitaires, wanderers, mystics, and others who inhabit the monastery within.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

OCD Meets Microsoft OneNote

Who would have thought that as I got older my lack of obsessive behavior would flower into sixty-two year old 'elder'berries, most notably Microsoft OneNote and as a vehicle to carry this mania over the edge, a laboratory manager job that like a poem, is never finished, only abandoned. It's a fatal combination.

Microsoft OneNote is advertised as an "add-in" for the brain. Add to that a healthy dose of OCD and you find yourself spending untold hours downloading add-ins for the "add-in." If you keep telling yourself, "you are crazy," can you really be crazy?

Let me work over a few thousand OneOne Section, page, and subpage notes and I'll get back to you on that.

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